Tuesday, 26 August 2008


article from http://www.oilofscotland.org


In 1999 Westminster moved Scotland's Marine Boundaries from Berwick-upon-Tweed to Carnoustie. Illegally making 6000 miles of Scotland's waters English.

scotland's marine borders
When you play golf at St Andrews and look out to sea, you are looking at English Waters according to the treacherous Westminster powers that be.

There is a shocking fact that few people in Scotland or elsewhere know which is just as disgraceful as the 30 year Westminster administration and deceit over Scotland’s oil. This is the as-yet unexplained and secret action by Westminster Order in 1999 to move Scotland’s marine boundary from Berwick-upon-Tweed to Carnoustie. To this day this lost Scotland 6,000 square miles of the North Sea, nodded through at the time by the feckless and treacherous Lib/Lab arm of Westminster based in Holyrood.

The SNP tried to keep the Scottish boundaries intact but the Holyrood parliament, very much under the Westminster thumb, voted by a majority of eight votes to reject the SNP motion to reverse this loss. The boundary move, supposed to be only a change in the fishing boundary, breaches international law and such a move must only ever be achieved by agreement. Professor Iain Scobie of Glasgow University declared the move illegal and also declared that it was not in accordance with contemporary international law and practice. He added that he saw no basis for the move in law or logic. The fishing industry is 15 times more important to Scotland than to England. Even more important, although at present it is only the fishing boundary that has been moved, the expert legal opinion that declared the move illegal on three grounds, claiming the only logical reason for this was to put down “a likely marker for a similar transfer of oil and gas rights in the future”.

Traditionally, marine boundaries are internationally recognised as straight lines from a country’s border into the adjoining sea for a distance of 3 miles, over which each country has its own jurisdiction.

Richard Lochhead MSP requested to know the suspicious reasons behind this move, under the Freedom of Information Act, but this has been continually refused as “it would not be in the public interest”. To whose public interest do they refer? One can only hazard a guess at what that means. Interestingly the Tories backed the SNP over the sea boundary papers.

Consider this: if Westminster holds that the United Kingdom is, and always will be, one country, then there is clearly no need to tamper with any marine boundaries. If, on the other hand, it is recognised that Scotland’s independence is a possibility then, and only then, is there any Westminster purpose and reason for this move. It is unimaginable that any country has the right to alter and claim the marine or land boundary of another country, and don’t forget that Scotland is a nation in its own right.

N D Gibb

Before you vote read the top secret mccrone oil report
It is your 32 Million a Day Stop giving it away.

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